WELCOME to my ePortfolio.
Hello, my name is Kalani Grigston. I've been a student of South Piedmont for the past three years in pursuit of an associate degree in Fine Arts. May 2024, my graduation date, is the finish line I've been racing towards since the start. Not only am I thrilled for this upcoming accomplishment, but I feel encouraged knowing I've gained a much deeper sense of my professional identity.
I've designed this website to highlight my core takeaways, as both a student and an artist, in hopes you can gain a sense of my determined yet creative spirit.
In this website, you will find:
Gallery a display of artworks I've completed during my time at SPCC, which I feel best reflect my style
Goals lists of both short term and long term goals that I have set for myself; which cover personal, academic, and professional aspects of my life
Core Skills a collection of projects I've completed during my time at SPCC, each selected to satisy one of the five essential skills relating to general education: written communication, oral communication, information literacy, critical thinking, and intercultural competence
AFA Program four artworks I've completed during my time at SPCC, each selected to satisfy the Associate in Fine Arts program outcomes: technical competence, aesthetic judgment, commitment to artistic quality, and knowledge of art history
Additional Experiences a page describing any additional meaningful community experiences which occured during my time at SPCC that I feel complemented my journey as a student
Resume a one-page resume presenting my education, employment history, and current skills