The learner will demonstrate cultural awareness and objectivity through critical reflection.
Differences between American and Costa Rican Beauty Standards | Spanish II
This paper was assigned during my Spanish II class, with a two-page requirement and a prompt instructing students to compare or contrast one aspect of two different countries. My essay, Differences between American and Costa Rican Beauty Standards in Women, is an organization of my thoughts, which explore the differences between influences and standards of beauty in each country.
My first goal was to explore societal norms of a Spanish-speaking country, as well as my own country. Because I was in my second Spanish class, I wanted to equip myself with a larger insight on countries that actively use this language. Not only did I want to expand this knowledge and awareness, but I wanted to reflect on the differences between a Spanish country and the United States. After contemplation and review of my options, I set my mind on Costa Rica, with the topic being beauty standards in women. Since this is something which applies to me as a woman, I was eager to explore the same concept and how it is different in a Spanish country. After this initial decision, inspiration took over and I was pleased with the path I took towards completing my goal.
My second goal was to show no bias to either country, keeping an objective-based attitude. This paper was meant to be purely informational, elaborating on concepts using factual evidence. With this predominant mindset from the beginning, I made sure that each sentence I wrote could be supported with objective reasoning- and was not influenced by personal feelings. After drafting my final paper, I proofread my writing one last time; after confirming it was completely un-opinionated, I was satisfied in achieving my second goal.
The drafting of the paper greatly increased my awareness of differences between countries. I’ve never been outside the United States, which has allowed my mind to become so accepting of “norms” here in America, and this reflection on beauty standards has given me a curious attitude. I’m pleased to have explored an aspect I’ve had personally experience with; gaining insight on Costa Rica’s mindset towards this topic has enhanced my understanding of beauty standards.